GROW on eBay
GROW is again selling a few choice plants on eBay. After a long layoff, we decided to get back into it so that we could establish a link with all of our out of town guests and regular customers. I hope that you are as excited as we are.
We will be updating all new plants for sale on this blog as they come about. Here are the first three, more to come within the next few days.
Leuchtenbergia principis
Aeonium tabulaeforme
Aloe polyphylla variegata
Hi Nick & Kara
Michael & Joyce have officially entered the 21st century. Our new address is
Hey, I think you website is terrific!! Especially like the N & K portraits and the the aloe polyphylla variegata!!! Hope you can give us some pointers when you're down this way... Gmail today and .com tomorrow!
See ya soon, JB
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